Soutenir le progrès de la santé au Maroc et en Afrique

The Dar Zhor association, dedicated to the support and well-being of cancer patients, with the support of Vitavox Institute organized a meeting on the theme of “Art in the service of Health” with the support of Dr. Guila Clara Kessous, UNESCO Artist for Peace and Ambassador for Peace and that of the Rafaël Institute – Paris

Through this conference, the Dar Zhor association and Vitavox Institute wanted to raise public and professional awareness of the benefits of art on health and hopes to encourage the development of projects integrating art and culture to promote better health and to better manage and treat different diseases.

On the sidelines of the conference, the public was able to admire the works of certain medical artists which were exhibited at the Mohammed VI University of Sciences and Health (UM6SS).

The experts present supported the need to introduce art into our daily lives because it plays an important role in health, both physically and mentally.

In November 2019, the WHO published an evidence report on the role of the arts in improving mental and physical health and well-being. Indeed, art plays a major role in the prevention of ill health, the promotion of health, and the management and treatment of disease throughout life.

Additionally, in healthcare settings, art is used to help patients feel more comfortable and to promote healing. Artistic activities such as music, dance, drama, or visual arts can help reduce stress, anxiety, and pain. Among the examples studied:

– listening to music to limit the side effects of cancer treatments;

– artistic activities such as music or crafts to reduce anxiety, pain and lower blood pressure;

– dance for people with Parkinson’s disease.


  • Ensure that “arts for health” programs exist and are accessible within the community
  • Help arts and culture organizations integrate health and wellness into their work
  • Promote public awareness of the potential health benefits of art
  • Include the arts in the training of health professionals
  • Introduce or strengthen mechanisms by which health or social care institutions prescribe artistic programs or activities
  • Invest in additional studies focusing on the increased use and evaluation of arts and health interventions.

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