Morocco is celebrating this week, from April 24 to 28, 2023, World Vaccination Week like many countries around the world. This year, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection in Morocco has chosen the theme “Vaccination of children, protection of generations”.

World Immunization Week is a global initiative that was launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2012. It takes place every year, the last week of April to highlight the importance of immunization and raise public awareness of the benefits of vaccines for public health.

Vaccination coverage that exceeds 95%

“Morocco is one of the pioneering countries that are committed to ensuring children’s right to health by allowing them access to safe, effective, good quality and free vaccines according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization. and the National Technical and Scientific Advisory Committee for Vaccination”, estimates the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.
Thus, great progress has been made in Morocco in terms of vaccination, which has made it possible to achieve coverage rates of more than 95%, and has eradicated poliomyelitis but also reduced the number of cases of measles and meningitis. In addition, the anti Rotavirus vaccination has made it possible to protect children against acute diarrhea and to avoid costly hospitalizations for families.

The introduction of a new vaccine: the HPV vaccine

Morocco continues to expand its vaccination schedule and take proactive measures to prevent disease and protect future generations. The Kingdom has thus started to vaccinate 11-year-old girls against cancer of the cervix, which is the third cancer that affects women after breast and thyroid cancer.
This vaccination is now included in the national vaccination program and is free for all young girls.

Challenges to overcome to ensure vaccination for all:

One of the main challenges that persists in the field of vaccination in Morocco is related to the free vaccines. Although vaccination is free for all Moroccan children, adults still have to pay for some vaccines, which can be a barrier for low-income people.
Dr. Saïd Afif, pediatrician and president of Infovac, stresses the importance of reimbursing all vaccines at 100% in order to strengthen the vaccination policy and achieve new objectives.
Steps are underway to obtain reimbursement for all vaccines, an important step to ensure access to care for all and allow the advancement of vaccination in the country.

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