VitavoxVitavox Actu

Vitavox Actu informs you about the most recent news in health, health economics and health policy in Morocco and Africa. Our team actively works to collect and analyze accurate and reliable information on the latest health trends and challenges in these regions.

We invite you to regularly consult our page to stay informed of health developments in the region.

Empowering Health: The Marrakech Declaration’s Vision for a Resilient Africa

November 1, 2023 vitavoxwebsite

Empowering Health: The Marrakech Declaration's Vision for a Resilient Africa After the 2nd African and 1st South-South Health Harm Reduction...

Vitavox Institute unveils its action plan to prominent international healthcare stakeholders at the H20 Summit held on June 21-22 at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva.

October 30, 2023 vitavoxwebsite

Vitavox Institute unveils its action plan to prominent international healthcare stakeholders at the H20 Summit held on June 21-22 at...

Tax Reform in Morocco: What Impact on Medication Accessibility in 2024?

October 27, 2023 vitavoxwebsite

Tax Reform in Morocco: What Impact on Medication Accessibility in 2024? The 2024 Finance Bill proposes a significant measure: the...

Vaccination in Morocco, a positive assessment and challenges to be met

April 26, 2023 vitavoxwebsite

Morocco is celebrating this week, from April 24 to 28, 2023, World Vaccination Week like many countries around the world....

ART AT THE SERVICE OF HEALTH – conference of the Dar Zhor association with the support of Vitavox Institute

March 7, 2023 vitavoxwebsite

The Dar Zhor association, dedicated to the support and well-being of cancer patients, with the support of Vitavox Institute organized...

Workshop on Female Cancers organized by the Association Les Amis du Ruban Rose and Vitavox Institute

March 7, 2023 vitavoxwebsite

In Morocco, cancer affects more than 30,000 women each year and nearly 15,000 end up losing the fight against the...